Thursday, April 10, 2014

Biggest ice cream craze in Korea now : Softree Honey Chip ice cream

When I went back to Seoul a few months ago, my sister brought me to an ice cream place where you have to wait for 2 hours to eat one cup of ice cream and I gave up.
This time, there was good news! they opened a new branch just in front of my house!
So, I tried and it was truly impressed!

They have very few items on the menu now (when they first opened, it was mostly customised flavour according to each customer's request. maybe that's why it took so long to serve all the customers). And, each day, many items get sold out and they block the menu out.
The most famous/popular item is 'honey chip ice cream'. 
It's very interesting to eat the honey chip with ice cream, but what I really loved was the ice cream itself. It has very deep creamy milky taste!

They started with one store, but they are opening a few more stores all around Seoul. So, you can simply google 'Softree Seoul' for the location near your hotel/shopping place~

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