Sunday, April 6, 2014

Seoul & Singapore

I've been living in Singapore for last 13 years (it will be 14 year by August this year), but I'm still Korean who grew up in Seoul. With the recent Korean wave, many Singaporeans visit Korea, especially Seoul, and started asking me where to go, where to eat and shop.
So, I decided to start this blog to keep record I can share with whoever is going to Seoul.
I will skip the typical tourist attractions such as palaces and amusement parks since you can get a lot of information from official tour sites or anywhere on internet easily.
So, I will focus more on where to shop (especially catered for Singaporeans) and eat.
Since I'm still living in Singapore and visit Seoul only once in 4-5 months, the information is not super updated, so, I guess it will not be suitable for foreigners living in Seoul.
Well, this is my first blog, so, I'm not sure how it will go and how often I will write. You will see~


  1. hello Kelly! miss yeo recommended that I visit your blog.. and since I love going to seoul, this blog is great! hope to see more posts soon :)

    1. I will try my best to write often =P if there is any specific topic you want, you can let me know as well~
